Graduate students quickly learn that success in research requires a solid understanding of statistics. Additionally, advanced statistical expertise often gives graduate students an advantage on the job market. There are many statistics courses offered at the University of Arizona, but given the size of the University, it is easy to get overwhelmed with options, not knowing whether a graduate course in statistics is too advanced or too basic. The goal of this website is to help students find courses in statistics that meet their research goals and that are a good fit to their background. Faculty in Education, Psychology, Family Studies and Human Development, and Anthropology have come together to provide shared statistical graduate training across the 4 programs.
Each participating academic program has its own course requirements, so please check the Graduate Handbook for your department and speak to your academic advisor before registering for classes. An overview of available classes, including when they are generally offered, is provided below (see “Course Overview”). More detailed descriptions are provided under “Course Descriptions”. The instructors of the courses listed below have discussed the content covered in each course and developed class sequences that are optimal for different students, depending upon your previous training in quantitative research methods (see “Suggested Course Sequences”). Additional intermediate and advanced classes should be chosen based on your research area and interests.